Tag Archives: Nicole Cleveland

No More Bus Stops In the Snow

God is so good and I am so very blessed. Yesterday, while Norfolk reached some of the lowest temperatures in history, I drove past a bus stop on my way to work. Children bundled up, turned backwards trying hard for the wind not to penetrate their face or skins. Parents, rubbing their hands together ,… Continue Reading

Things That Make You Go Shhhhhh……

  Last week I was honored to be a panel speaker on “Things that make you Go Shhhhh”…, a talk show and brain child of Miriam Holt, founder of A Sister’s Heart Ministry. What are “Things that make you go shhhhhh?” Those are issues people would rather not deal with. When they happen,little is said. It’s similar… Continue Reading

He Cheated, So Now What ??

This weekend I had the privilege of going to see Why Did I Get Married Too by Tyler Perry. In the movie ” Pat” ( Janet Jackson ) was a successful author of the book, ” He Cheated, So Now What?” In reality a very similar title, ” So He Cheated, Now What?” is written… Continue Reading