Tag Archives: Nicole Cleveland

Let’s Stay Together

Love & Marriage Column Change Gospel Newspaper ( February 2011 ) In March my husband and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage – Glory! This did not come without trials, heartaches and pain. You all know that, ( I wrote a book about it ) But that’s not all we had to go through.… Continue Reading

Women and Men are Still Hurting

Happy New Year ! 2010 was a good year, I can’t complain and won’t complain. My book was released and boy was that a ride. One thing is for sure – Women are still hurting from affairs. They may still be in the marriage, but they are hurting.Some are still bitter and some are just… Continue Reading

Founders of DayStar TV deal with Infidelity

Infidelity is not uncommon, it happens everyday. Right now, someone has just discovered that their spouse has been cheating.Their world is about to be turned upside down. On the November 30th airing of “Celebration” with Daystar TV founders Marc & Joni Lamb, adultery and overcoming an affair was the topic. You see the Lamb’s announced… Continue Reading