Why I Do What I Do

Sharing is caring!


People often ask me why I am so open and free to share what I have gone through.

“Are you ever embarrassed?”

“I just couldn’t do it”

“Don’t people think you’re dumb for staying?

Those are just a few questions I receive from readers.

No,No and NO ! That’s my reply. I am determined to change lives with my story.

If I can help just one person, I’m good. Last week I opened up my inbox around 2am and came across this testimonial from a reader.

“ Dear Nicole – Thank you for the excellent book “So He Cheated, Now What”The book was at Bargain Books ( in Norfolk, VA )  and on the shelf eye levelas you are leaving the store……perfect location as I was thinkingof leaving my fiance. However, I bought the book , came home and read it pageto page for 2 hours and completed it.  When I read Jerry’scomments in the end…..I decided to give my fiance another chance.Thank you so much for the book. It is  inspirational reading for every day thoughtfulness.” – Staying Happy, Norfolk,VA

Those type of testimonials is why I do what I do.


People don’t want to talk about  these topics. But we must start talking about it. I could see if it was not going on. But it is happening each and everyday, In the church and out of the church. With men and with women.

Statistics show 50% of divorces are people of faith. Women and men that go to church.

“Most women would leave and I think women that stay are weak and stupid.”

That was one comment I received. ( whew !)

It doesn’t matter if people think I’m stupid. I don’t get upset. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  It’s not about me, it’s about the women and men that need to hear my story. Everyday I will continue to share. You never know what a person is going through.

At night when they lay down to go to sleep, are they at peace or are they crying themselves to sleep, like I once was? You just never know. That is why I do what I do !

Stay Blessed,


4 Responses to Why I Do What I Do

  1. Hello Nicole,
    I have been receiving your newsletter for awhile and just wanted to let you know I think that you are doing a wonderful job informing people on issues that have been considered private in the African American community. Keep on speaking out, someone needs to hear your message. You are absolutely correct, it is not about you it is about God’s kingdom and doing His perfect will for your life.

    Keep on doing what your doing!

    God Bless.

  2. Hi Nicole,

    Thank you so much for sending me the newsletter because it is very inspirational. You are doing a wondeful job!!

    Bobby and I are very proud of you.

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