Breathe Again with Nicole
Are You Struggling With Starting Over After Divorce ?
Starting Over after a breakup, betrayal or divorce is difficult; but it can be done. We serve a God that comforts the brokenhearted. He heals the wounded. A God that cares how you feel and so do I.
“Getting divorced after 20 years left me in a fog. What was going on? I’m in ministry; this was NOT supposed to happen. Well, no one came to rescue me. I had to learn how to put my life back together again; one decision at a time.” ~ Nicole Cleveland
Let me show you how !

Note to Self: Girl, I’m Proud of You is a journal which takes you on a 30 day journey of clapping for yourself. Join the Journey !! Click here to get started.
On a daily basis we make others feel exceptional. When they look good, we
compliment them. When they accomplish something, we show up to cheer them
on; virtually and in person. We spend so much time inspiring, boosting and
applauding others, we forget to clap for ourselves. THIS MUST CHANGE !
Go on a 30-day self celebratory journey with yourself. For 30 days be intentional about reflecting, recording and clapping for yourself. Celebrate your daily successes; both big and small. Girl, You’ve come a long way. I’m proud of what you have overcome to be the woman you are. Now, be proud of yourself. Clap for Yourself !
Start Today !

Ready to start clapping for yourself? Click here to get started !