Tag Archives: Marc & Joni Lamb

Founders of DayStar TV deal with Infidelity

Infidelity is not uncommon, it happens everyday. Right now, someone has just discovered that their spouse has
been cheating.Their world is about to be turned upside down.

On the November 30th airing of “Celebration” with Daystar TV founders Marc & Joni Lamb, adultery and overcoming an affair was the topic. You see the Lamb’s announced that their marriage was recovering from an affair.Why it happened and who it happened with is irrelevant. My heart goes out to the Lambs and every couple that is dealing with adultery.

Listening to Joni talk I felt her pain (and her shame).You just want to run to the nearest rock and hope that
it is big enough to hide under. But that doesn’t solve anything.

From reading the different posts regarding the affair, it seems like everyone has an expert opinion and has sent Marc to hell a few times.

God is a forgiving God and if Joni made the decision to stay and rebuild their marriage, then more power to
her.It’s not any of our business.

God Bless Marc & Joni Lamb.  They have a platform that can reach the masses. Together we all can tell our stories and let the world know that God can heal and restore marriages, even after an affair.He did it for me and that is why I wrote the book “So he Cheated, Now What?”, my personal story of overcoming an affair in my marriage. And he has done it for Marc & Joni Lamb,founders of Daystar Television. Go God!
