So He Cheated, Now What

So He Cheated Book Cover B

Discover the painful truth behind Infidelity

The answer may save your Marriage !

About the Book

So He Cheated, Now What? is a one woman’s testimonial on how she overcame an affair in her marriage. Everyday women are asking the questions, ” Do I Stay or Walk Away? ” and “Can the Trust Ever be Restored?”. Nicole Cleveland shares the steps to rebuilding trust after an affair in this book. After reading this book you will understand that marriage is a threesome and God is the ultimate restorer.




“Wow. Nicole went through and came out on the other side – and now has turned her ‘scars’ into ‘stars.’ No one can ever feel the depth of her pain – but everyone can experience the awesome power of God that restored her after reading this book. She and her husband are vessels that God used to be a beacon of hope to other couples. They went through the worst situation – but God got the best out the situation. This book will deliver anyone who has been through situations that seem to leave you breathless and in despair.  ‘So He Cheated, Now What?’ will make you breathe again because restoration is possible – with God.”

Pam Perry, Ministry Marketing Solutions Inc.


“Nicole bears her soul in ‘So He Cheated, Now What’ in such an uninhibited way that it will touch women all over the world and keep marriages pressing towards the mark. With concise steps and crucial questions you need to ask yourself, she assists you with replacing anger with the forgiveness necessary to save your marriage by removing ‘self’ out of the equation and doing what God expects of men and women in a marriage covenant.”
– Linda Dominique Grosvenor, Author of The Plural Thing: Spiritually Preparing for Your Soul Mate


“In a time when the media’s portrait of marriage is gloom, Nicole Cleveland steps up to the call and releases a dynamic book, So He Cheated, Now What. This willing vessel of God did not hide behind a mask and pretend that everything was okay, but chose to seek GOD’s face and ask why me? Nicole allowed GOD to turn even this situation around for her good, her husband’s good, the good of their marriage and ultimately the many lives that will be blessed because she was transparent.”
– Dr. Taffy Wagner, CEPF, Author of Debt Dilemma




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