Infidelity Audio Series – Overcoming Hurt & Shame with Rodney Winters

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Listen as Rodney & I discuss overcoming hurt and shame caused by infidelity.
Rodney is the author of “Go Into The House” – Rodney gives us the man’s perspective on infidelity.

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MP3 File

Start Over After a Break-up, Betrayal or Divorce !!

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    One Response to Infidelity Audio Series – Overcoming Hurt & Shame with Rodney Winters

    1. Hi Nicole,

      Rodney Winters suggested that I get in contact with you. I have survived infidelity twice in my marriage, we are still together, and now by the Blood of Christ, stronger than ever. I wanted to share my book with you also. It is about the depression I went through and overcame during this time in my life.

      God Bless!
      Thank you much!

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