Category Archives: Blog

Why I Do What I Do

People often ask me why I am so open and free to share what I have gone through. “Are you ever embarrassed?” “I just couldn’t do it” “Don’t people think you’re dumb for staying? Those are just a few questions I receive from readers. No,No and NO ! That’s my reply. I am determined to… Continue Reading

Did I Want to Kill Him?

Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Google Images I get this question an awful lot when doing interviews and when talking to women. Of course I was angry. Who wouldn’t be.It’s the ultimate betrayal. There are stages in this infidelity cycle. Like a butterfly must go through stages,overcoming infidelity is in stages, well at least… Continue Reading

Should Maria Shriver Leave Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Should she leave or stay? Nicole – What do you think Maria Shriver should do? Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiki Barber, Tiger Woods, Jesse James , John Edwards, Zachary Tims, Marcus Lamb and the list goes on and on. These are individuals that allowed infidelity to creep in their marriages. Whether they allowed it to sneak in… Continue Reading